Activity Ideas

Harnessing Creativity: How to Brainstorm for Fresh and Exciting Ideas for Your Program Calendar

August 15, 2024

As the new generation of older adults moves into senior living communities, recreation teams must harness creativity and brainstorm new ideas for programs that keep residents engaged, stimulated, and eager to participate. Delivering programs that go beyond traditional bingo or card games can help maintain resident engagement!

Read on to explore strategies, tips, and examples to help you and your teams brainstorm new program ideas for your community!

1. Cultivate a Creative Environment

Create an environment that fosters creativity, such as a dedicated brainstorming space with whiteboards, idea boards, or comfortable seating arrangements. Encourage an open and non-judgmental atmosphere where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, experimenting with new concepts, and thinking outside the box. Incorporate elements of playfulness and fun into your brainstorming sessions to spark creativity and inspire innovative thinking.

Brainstorming Session Ideas:

  • Dedicated Brainstorming Sessions: Schedule sessions where team members gather to generate ideas for new programs and activities. Encourage an open and inclusive environment where everyone's ideas are welcomed and valued. Use techniques like mind mapping, free association, or word association to spark creativity.
  • Theme-Based Brainstorms: Choose a theme or topic to focus the discussion and generate ideas around a specific area of interest. For example, you could brainstorm ideas for a "Wellness Week," "Travel Adventure Series," or "Arts and Culture Extravaganza."
  • Cross-Departmental Collaboration: Collaborate with staff from other departments, such as dining services, maintenance, or administration, to brainstorm interdisciplinary programs and activities. Tap into the diverse skills and perspectives of colleagues from different areas.
  • Reflective Brainstorming: Reflect on past successes and challenges to inform future programming decisions. Review feedback from residents, staff, and stakeholders on previous programs and activities, identifying areas for improvement and opportunities for innovation.

2. Tap into Resident Input

Engage residents in the brainstorming process by soliciting their input, ideas, and preferences for activities. Conduct resident surveys, focus groups, or suggestion boxes to gather feedback on their interests, hobbies, and desired experiences. Organize a Resident Input Session where residents can share their ideas and suggestions for upcoming programs.

3. Explore Diverse Themes and Concepts

Explore a wide range of themes, concepts, and topics for activities to appeal to diverse interests and preferences among residents. Consider themes such as travel, nostalgia, nature, arts and culture, or health and wellness. Get creative with thematic elements like decorations, costumes, music, and food to immerse residents in unique and immersive experiences.

4. Incorporate Multi-Sensory Experiences

Design activities that engage multiple senses and stimulate residents' sensory experiences. Incorporate elements like music, aromatherapy, tactile materials, and interactive visuals to create multi-sensory experiences that resonate with residents. Experiment with sensory-based activities like sensory gardens, music therapy sessions, art therapy workshops, or culinary experiences.

5. Embrace Technology and Innovation

Embrace technology as a tool for innovation and creativity in activity planning. Explore digital platforms, apps, and interactive tools that offer new possibilities for engaging and immersive experiences, such as virtual reality simulations, digital storytelling, or interactive games. Incorporate innovative approaches like gamification, storytelling, or experiential learning to make activities more interactive and memorable for residents.

6. Collaborate with Community Partners

Collaborate with local businesses, organizations, and community groups to bring unique and diverse programming opportunities to your senior living community. Partner with artists, musicians, chefs, educators, or wellness professionals to offer specialized workshops, classes, or performances. Leverage community resources and expertise to enrich your activity offerings and provide residents access to new experiences and opportunities for learning and growth.

Brainstorming new ideas is essential for keeping recreation programs fresh, exciting, and engaging for residents and recreation teams alike! By cultivating a creative environment, you can create truly memorable and meaningful experiences for residents, staff, and loved ones alike!

Katie Stewart

Katie is a member of Welbi’s Customer Experience team! She has a background in communications and recreation and is passionate about older adults, exercise, coffee and people.

Holly Mathias

Holly is a member of Welbi’s Marketing team! She has a background in communications and marketing, and is a compassionate individual who loves team work, story telling, and wellness.

Wendy Riopelle

Wendy is a student in the Honours BA in English program at the University of Ottawa, where she has won numerous awards for her writing.

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