Program Details
June - Pride Month: Intergenerational Book Reading Program with Drag Queens

Partner with local drag queens to host an intergenerational book reading program that celebrates diversity and creativity. Residents and drag queens can come together to read LGBTQ+-themed children's books, share stories, and engage in meaningful conversations.


Foster intergenerational connections and understanding, promote LGBTQ+ visibility and acceptance, and provide residents with an opportunity to engage in enriching cultural experiences.

  1. Collaborate with local drag performers to select LGBTQ+-themed children's books for the reading program.
  2. Invite a local classroom or two to your senior living community for storytime
  3. Set a date and time for the event, and promote it to residents, staff, and the broader community.
  4. Create a welcoming and inclusive environment for the book reading, with comfortable seating arrangements and refreshments.
  5. Introduce the drag queens and provide background information about their artistry and cultural significance.
  6. Facilitate the book reading session, encouraging residents to participate in discussions and share their thoughts and experiences.
  7. Foster intergenerational connections and understanding through engaging conversations and storytelling.

Staffing Requirements

Staff members should be present to facilitate the program, provide assistance to residents, and ensure that the event is conducted in a respectful and inclusive manner.


LGBTQ+-themed children's books, comfortable seating arrangements, refreshments, and decorations to create a welcoming and festive atmosphere.


Ensure that the content of the books is age-appropriate and sensitive to the needs and preferences of residents. Respect residents' boundaries and comfort levels, and provide a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and included.

Expected Outcomes

Residents will benefit from the wisdom, energy, and creativity of drag queens as they share stories and spark conversations about identity, diversity, and inclusion. The program will also facilitate meaningful interactions between residents and members of the LGBTQ+ community, fostering empathy and mutual respect.

Program Type
Level of Care
Dimension of Wellness
Community Engagement
Intergenerational interaction, advocacy,