Magazine pictures are used to create a "collage" to initiate conversation and reinforce the identity of the participants. Themes for the collage can be used such as "Things I like," "Things that are beautiful," "Things that smell good." The possibilities are endless.
The pictures are used to spark conversation and reinforce individuality. Group collages can also be created to foster a feeling of belongingness.
A large variety of magazines, catalogues or advertising materials are gathered. Personal photographs are not used for this activity.
Poster board is needed. A good size is 11x14. Glue sticks work well.
One of 2 following methods are used depending on the acuity/cognition of the participant. A sample of a "half-done" collage should be shown. Demonstrate adding another picture.
1. Ask the person to flip through the magazine and find pictures of things they like (or whatever theme you are using). Cut or tear these out. Safety with scissors must be evaluated.
2. Set a variety of pictures out on the table and ask the person to point to or pick pictures of things they like. Frequently, a person with dementia does not want to "rip up" a nice magazine or the noise is distracting.
Use words and sayings as well.