Kwanzaa is not a typical religious holiday. Emphasis is placed upon teaching traditional African values and celebrating the heritage of Africans living around the world during the weeklong celebration. As Kwanzaa unfolds, celebrants focus on one of seven specific themes each day. Every night, a new candle is lit on the seven-spaced kinara in honor of that day's central theme following a few activities such as sharing a communal drink and a recitation. The nguzo saba (the term for these seven themes) connect to subjects pertaining to life, community, and higher purpose.
These seven themes include:
To celebrate each day, think about an activity or discussion group that fits the theme. Maybe for Umoja, you could organize a game that requires teamwork and collaboration. For Kujichagulia, have some friendly competition between residents. You can organize some volunteering on the day of Ujima and do an art program for Kuumba.