Community Insights

Understand your community on a deeper level

Say goodbye to a one-size-fits-all approach. Provide your life enrichment teams with accurate, real-time community insights and suggestions to create the personalized approach that your current and prospective residents are increasingly seeking.

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How it works

Graphic showing step #1 of how Welbi's Contract Tracing feature works

Welbi's resident experience platform captures all programs your staff and residents attend each day.

Graphic showing step #2 of how Welbi's Contract Tracing feature works

The contact tracing tool analyzes this information.

Graphic showing step #3 of how Welbi's Contract Tracing feature works

When a resident or staff member tests positive for an infectious disease, simply click their name and select a timeframe to see who came in contact with them.

Graphic showing step #4 of how Welbi's Contract Tracing feature works

See where, when, and how many times those who came in contact were exposed.

Graphic showing step #5 of how Welbi's Contract Tracing feature works

Instantly know who's less at risk and who needs to be monitored, tested, and isolated. Take control, quickly and easily.

Graphic showing step #6 of how Welbi's Contract Tracing feature works

Reports can be shared, exported, and printed to provide to staff, management, or health authorities right away.

Community Insights

Custom Goals and KPIs

Customize your teams’ insights

We understand that each community is uniquely run. Get Welbi’s support to ensure you are meeting your goals and capturing insights that are unique to your programming needs.

Program Analytics

Monitor resident satisfaction and engagement in real-time

Learn more about your communities’ needs with accurate, calculated insights. Welbi helps you and your life enrichment teams better understand levels of engagement and participation across your communities to improve programming over time.

Community Insights
Community Insights

Assessment Insights

Take the guesswork out of programming

Welbi’s customizable assessment insights provide your teams with invaluable information to build excellent programs. Discover residents’ preferences, interests, and possible participation barriers to create programming that maximizes engagement.

Resident Insights

Understand your residents on a deeper level

Welbi captures important information about residents’ life stories and ensures that it is always accessible. Give your teams the tools to identify similar interests between residents and maximize connections within the community.

Community Insights
Community Insights

Custom Reports

Empower your teams with real-time custom reports

Say goodbye to manual reporting and data filtering. Welbi’s custom report builder pulls the right information within seconds to help your teams make decisions that are backed by data.

Community Insights
"I love that everything is on one platform and that I can truly dig deep into the insights to look for trends."
Autumnwood logoRevera logo
Carrie L.

Director of Recreation

Carrie L.

Director of Recreation

See Welbi's other features

Resident Profiles

Access high-quality resident data that will empower your community.

Real-Time Recommendations

Help your life enrichment teams make data-informed decisions to create personalized experiences.

Contact Tracing

Ensure the safety and health of each resident in the case of an outbreak.